在過了許久之後,我終於打算去考當地駕照了。 必備文件:護照、銀行金融卡(Debit Card)、翻譯過後的台灣駕照、國際駕照、有居住地址的銀行對帳單、公司任職證明、申請表格
翻譯台灣駕照可以到Interpreting and Translating Service NT (RCG House Ground Floor, 83-85 Smith St Darwin)。把台灣駕照正本帶去後,他會影印並交給翻譯者。費用$33,過幾天再來領。急件的話,$66,兩天左右會好。
Visiting for longer than 3 months?
The Northern Territory Traffic Act requires that a person who intends to be in the NT for longer than 3 months, but is not a permanent resident, apply for an Instrument of Exemption (under Section 8A of the Motor Vehicles Act) from the requirement to hold an NT Driver licence, or to transfer a vehicle registration to the NT.
Instruments of Exemption are not provided as a matter of course, and are assessed on a case-by-case basis, on application to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles.
The Registrar of Motor Vehicles may grant an Instrument of Exemption from the requirement to hold an NT driver licence to a visiting overseas driver, or the requirement to register a vehicle in the Northern Territory where the Registrar is satisfied that:
In the case of a driver licence:
• the applicant is a genuine resident of another jurisdiction/country; and
• currently holds a valid driver licence in the jurisdiction/country of residence; and
• is not disqualified, from holding a licence anywhere; and
• has an International Driving Permit issued overseas (if the driver licence is in any other language other than English); and
• the requested exemption period does not extend beyond the expiry date of that licence.
Where an Instrument of Exemption has been granted, it will only be valid while the driver licence held remains current and the tourist or visitor status remains unchanged.
Driver Licence - Applying for an Instrument of Exemption under Section 8A of the Motor Vehicles Act
Applications for an Instrument of Exemption must be in writing (in English), and detail:
• The full name of the applicant
• Date of birth
• Country of birth
• Driver Licence Number
• Country of issue
• The start and end dates for the period that the Exemption is requested.
Where applicable, the following supporting documents (or certified copies of) should also accompany the application:
• Photocopy of the Driver Licence
• International Driving Permit issued overseas (if the driver licence is in any other language other than English)
• Current Visa issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
• 公司雇用證明
• 台灣駕照翻譯
Contact Details
Motor Vehicle Registry
1300 654 628
(08) 8999 3103
Postal Address
GPO Box 530 Darwin NT 0801
2009/6/25 送出exemption的申請信。
2009/7/13 拿到免考當地駕照的證書,可以擋一年半,到簽證失效為止。但這一紙文件,除了被臨檢可以拿出來秀一下外,似乎沒什麼太大用處...有空還是考一下當地駕照,多一個證件多個方便...
1. 監理所 Motor Vehicle Registry