1. 上ATO的網站申請
你錯過全世界最棒的工作─到澳洲大堡礁當島主? 別怨嘆,免費旅行的機會又來了。YH (Youth Hostel) 為慶祝100歲生日,舉辦很多慶祝活動(,其中,鐵小姐覺得最有魅力的是: 一、 澳洲YH協會舉舉辦的活動:澳洲免費旅行100天活動競賽,只要拍一段影片上傳,告訴大家如果你要到澳洲旅行100天,你會帶什麼東西,就可參加競賽,最 有創意的冠軍者,澳洲YH協會將提供在100個晚上的澳洲YH免費住宿、免費巴士車票、免費火車票、免費機票。鐵小姐剛才上網去看,目前只有四段影片上 傳,都拍得滿「慘不忍睹」,你只要有點創意,有一點點攝影技術,一點點編劇概念,100天澳洲免費之旅垂手可得!加油!加油!加油!2009年6月30日 截止,手腳要快哦!詳情可見:( 二、第二個令鐵小姐心動的是,國際YH協會提供的「環遊世界免費之旅」。只要寫下或拍下或錄下,曾經住過最棒的YH,獲得冠軍的,就有機會獲得2000英磅的環遊世界之旅。2009年7月31日截止,快!快!快!詳情可見: |
1. 在紐西蘭打工度假
2. 【證件】 請問有人從澳洲直接申請紐西蘭打工度假簽證成功嗎?
3. 【證件】 [紐簽]在澳洲辦理紐西蘭的簽證 MARNEYCHIU的回文
Skilled - Regional (Residence) visa (Subclass 887)
1. 持有495 visa居住在特定地區至少兩年
2. 在特定地區做全職工作至少一年
1. 申請表1276
2. Australian Value Statement
3. Evidence of residence in a specified regional area for at least 2 years: 銀行對帳單或薪資條
3.5 Evidence of work in a specified area for at least 1 years: Payslips
4. Certified copy of passport bio data page
5. Certified copy of 出生證明(要有父母的名字),這得在台灣弄英文版戶籍謄本的
6. 填Form 80
7. 填Form 47A
8. 兩張護照用近照
以下是case officer提出的額外要求
9. 台灣良民證(約要兩三天)
10. 澳洲良民證AFP Certificate (約四到五週)
11. X光檢查 (兩三天就會收到報告)
處理時間:五個月 實際上是40天。
As a permanent resident you are permitted to remain in Australia indefinitely. This visa also allows you to travel to and enter Australia for five (5) years from the date the visa is granted. The expiry of this visa does not affect your permanent resident status if you are in Australia. However, if you wish to continue to travel to and from Australia as a permanent resident after the initial visa has expired, you must obtain a Resident Return Visa (RRV). Your eligibility for an RRV will depend on the period that you have resided in Australia.
This visa allows you and any secondary applicants included in your visa application to live as permanent residents in Australia.
Australian permanent residents can:
- live and work in Australia on a permanent basis
- study in Australia at school or university(如果我決定留在澳洲念碩士,學費會便宜很多...可是我一直都想去美國念怎辦勒?)
- receive subsidised healthcare through Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)
- access certain social security payments (subject to waiting periods)
- be eligible for Australian citizenship (其實我拿到PR後一年也有資格拿citizenship呢!可是又得等等等process...)
- sponsor people for permanent residence.
2/15 完成線上申請與繳費
2/24 收到Case Officer來信要求補充:雇用證明、特地地區居住證明、健康檢查報告、台灣與澳洲的Police Clearance Check報告。
2/26 申請澳洲AFP Certificate $43
3/3 取得台灣良民證
3/8 X光
3/11 取得X光報告
3/23 收到澳洲良民證,取得PR!費時40天。
1. 續留國外-申請SIR(495)簽證
2. Skilled – Regional (Residence) visa subclass 887
必備文件:護照、銀行金融卡(Debit Card)、翻譯過後的台灣駕照、國際駕照、有居住地址的銀行對帳單、公司任職證明、申請表格
翻譯台灣駕照可以到Interpreting and Translating Service NT (RCG House Ground Floor, 83-85 Smith St Darwin)。把台灣駕照正本帶去後,他會影印並交給翻譯者。費用$33,過幾天再來領。急件的話,$66,兩天左右會好。
The Northern Territory Traffic Act requires that a person who intends to be in the NT for longer than 3 months, but is not a permanent resident, apply for an Instrument of Exemption (under Section 8A of the Motor Vehicles Act) from the requirement to hold an NT Driver licence, or to transfer a vehicle registration to the NT.
Instruments of Exemption are not provided as a matter of course, and are assessed on a case-by-case basis, on application to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles.
The Registrar of Motor Vehicles may grant an Instrument of Exemption from the requirement to hold an NT driver licence to a visiting overseas driver, or the requirement to register a vehicle in the Northern Territory where the Registrar is satisfied that:
In the case of a driver licence:
• the applicant is a genuine resident of another jurisdiction/country; and
• currently holds a valid driver licence in the jurisdiction/country of residence; and
• is not disqualified, from holding a licence anywhere; and
• has an International Driving Permit issued overseas (if the driver licence is in any other language other than English); and
• the requested exemption period does not extend beyond the expiry date of that licence.
Where an Instrument of Exemption has been granted, it will only be valid while the driver licence held remains current and the tourist or visitor status remains unchanged.
Applications for an Instrument of Exemption must be in writing (in English), and detail:
• The full name of the applicant
• Date of birth
• Country of birth
• Driver Licence Number
• Country of issue
• The start and end dates for the period that the Exemption is requested.
Where applicable, the following supporting documents (or certified copies of) should also accompany the application:
• Photocopy of the Driver Licence
• International Driving Permit issued overseas (if the driver licence is in any other language other than English)
• Current Visa issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
• 公司雇用證明
• 台灣駕照翻譯
Contact Details
Motor Vehicle Registry
1300 654 628
(08) 8999 3103
Postal Address
GPO Box 530 Darwin NT 0801
2009/6/25 送出exemption的申請信。
2009/7/13 拿到免考當地駕照的證書,可以擋一年半,到簽證失效為止。但這一紙文件,除了被臨檢可以拿出來秀一下外,似乎沒什麼太大用處...有空還是考一下當地駕照,多一個證件多個方便...
1. 監理所 Motor Vehicle Registry
If you’re concerned about unpaid super guarantee contributions you should:
Step 1
Talk to your employer. You should ask them how often they are currently paying your super, into which fund they are paying it, and how much they are paying. It’s a good idea to ask these sorts of questions when you start work with an employer.
You should also make sure you are eligible to receive super. Usually an employer has to pay super contributions for you if you are over 18 and you are paid at least $450 in salary and wages (before tax) in a month. It doesn’t matter if you work casual, part time or full time hours. You can also be eligible if you are a contractor working primarily for labour (eg. graphic designer).
Step 2
Check your last Member Statement from your super fund, or contact them to confirm if your employer has paid your super.
Step 3
If you have completed steps 1 & 2 and still believe your employer is not paying enough or any super, and/or is not paying the super to your chosen fund, you can lodge an enquiry about unpaid super by phoning the Tax Office on 13 10 20.
Before phoning the Tax Office on 13 10 20 you will need to prepare information to help us record your enquiry. Please refer to:
* What information do I provide when I lodge an enquiry about unpaid super?
* What process does the Tax Office follow to investigate unpaid super enquiries?
Other ways to obtain unpaid super
If you lodge an enquiry with the Tax Office, we will take action on the information you provide.
Below are some other ways you can try to obtain unpaid superannuation from your employer. You can try to recover the superannuation that should have been paid to you directly from your employer.
If you are employed under the federal workplace relations system (that is, if you are/were employed in the ACT, Northern Territory or Victoria, or you are employed by a company in another state or under a federal award or agreement), you can seek an order from an eligible court under the Workplace Relations Act 1996.
Alternatively, the Workplace Ombudsman may be able to help you if you have not received all of your workplace conditions and entitlements. The Workplace Ombudsman may get you to complete a Wages and Conditions claim form and pursue your entitlements on your behalf, including going to court, if necessary.
If you are employed under one of the state industrial relations systems (in NSW, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia or Tasmania), each state has its own laws that enable the courts to order your employer to pay the amount of the shortfall to you or your superannuation fund.
轉錄自 背包客棧自助旅行論壇
最近因為要回台灣了,所以卯起來催錢。先寄出信表達立場,並打電話確認對方收到。大概就是再提一次自己的退休金資料,並說明已經向對方催過很多次,一直都沒有得到回覆,如果兩週內不處理的話,就要去Workplace Ombudsman及ATO舉發。這還挺有效的,果然做生意的都不想被ATO盯上。總之他們就馬上準備好資料並寄給ATO,我也要了一份書面資料當證據。
1. 領回退休金
2. Superannuation
3. Super Annuation part 2
4. Step-by-Step領回退休金
Opportunity Class (OC) 英才班/精英班 - 二寶版
關於更詳細的介紹可以看兩年前姐姐準備時寫的這篇,基本上沒啥變,除了當初因為Covid, 考試改在自家校內,這次又是集中到外校考試: Opportunity Class (OC) 英才班/精英班 有了之前姐姐的經驗,加上我們沒打算換校,只是想讓妹妹...
來源: 背包客棧 -【證件】 二簽申請相關問題討論(包含體檢等){請謹慎開版} 客棧的二簽討論串有一百多頁...有些問題一再重複,為了便於查看,茲整理如下:
27. 第二部分是扣除額,單純的背包客應該也沒有。所以也是一路 ”NO” 到底。共16項,包括Tax Loses的部分。 如果收入不到18,200,之前所有繳得稅會全退, 也不用在這部份費神了。 如果收入太高,那就得想辦法舉一些扣除額來降低應繳稅額囉! ...
如果已經用E-tax上傳報稅資料後發現有錯誤,就沒辦法在透過軟體更改了。必須要寫信及提供證明文件到ATO去。表格可以 按此下載 ,填完後傳真或寄到下面的地址即可。 Request for amendment of income tax return for indiv...