Well, we've left Perth city and started to work in vineyard in the south.
We live in a hostle now, the scene is beautiful( near beach), those people who lived here are nice guys,too.
We can't use PC too often because it's too expensive and can't type chinese,either.
Therefore, we are not able to update our blog and photos recently. :(
We will stay here at least one month, and go south to find some other job in the farm next month.
Working in the vineyard and living in the country is a special experience.
I don't think I will have chance to do that in the rest of my life, so I try to enjoy it now.
Thanks for all those friends who care about us!
Take care,everyone.
張貼留言 (Atom)
Opportunity Class (OC) 英才班/精英班 - 二寶版
關於更詳細的介紹可以看兩年前姐姐準備時寫的這篇,基本上沒啥變,除了當初因為Covid, 考試改在自家校內,這次又是集中到外校考試: Opportunity Class (OC) 英才班/精英班 有了之前姐姐的經驗,加上我們沒打算換校,只是想讓妹妹...
來源: 背包客棧 -【證件】 二簽申請相關問題討論(包含體檢等){請謹慎開版} 客棧的二簽討論串有一百多頁...有些問題一再重複,為了便於查看,茲整理如下:
27. 第二部分是扣除額,單純的背包客應該也沒有。所以也是一路 ”NO” 到底。共16項,包括Tax Loses的部分。 如果收入不到18,200,之前所有繳得稅會全退, 也不用在這部份費神了。 如果收入太高,那就得想辦法舉一些扣除額來降低應繳稅額囉! ...
如果已經用E-tax上傳報稅資料後發現有錯誤,就沒辦法在透過軟體更改了。必須要寫信及提供證明文件到ATO去。表格可以 按此下載 ,填完後傳真或寄到下面的地址即可。 Request for amendment of income tax return for indiv...