Well, we've left Perth city and started to work in vineyard in the south.
We live in a hostle now, the scene is beautiful( near beach), those people who lived here are nice guys,too.
We can't use PC too often because it's too expensive and can't type chinese,either.
Therefore, we are not able to update our blog and photos recently. :(
We will stay here at least one month, and go south to find some other job in the farm next month.
Working in the vineyard and living in the country is a special experience.
I don't think I will have chance to do that in the rest of my life, so I try to enjoy it now.
Thanks for all those friends who care about us!
Take care,everyone.
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Selective High School 精英中學
姐姐今年六年級,五月上旬參加 NSW Selective High Schools 的考試,不過沒考上,本來考完還挺自信的,看來競爭實在激烈! 什麼是精英中學? 官網 有中文的介紹影片及一些宣傳文檔。 "精英中學是為智力方面有天賦、有潛...
來源: 背包客棧 -【證件】 二簽申請相關問題討論(包含體檢等){請謹慎開版} 客棧的二簽討論串有一百多頁...有些問題一再重複,為了便於查看,茲整理如下:
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