When its on: 11-12 November 2006
Where it is: Sydney Town Hall <map>
What times: 10am - 5 pm
What's the cost: Only $5 (但在各背包客雜誌裡都可以找到免費的入場卷)
What do you see: There are hundreds of exhibitors - talk to people who have been there and done that, listen on free travel talks, free samples (including food and drink!), great giveaways and prizes.
在雪梨的人有空可以去看看喔~可以找到物超所值的travel package.
另外徵求熱心人士幫我照些相片及蒐集DM.寄到達爾文來~代價是咱們熱騰騰的新書一枚(可以成為除了我以外第一個在澳洲收到書的人.不知道這夠不夠吸引人?). Express your interest!